Adrian is a young adult taking opioids for the first time following a sports injury.

Meet Adrian

  • Age: 19
  • Job: Full-time student; plays on the university varsity soccer team
  • Condition: Recently broke his leg during a soccer game.
  • Treatment plan: Adrian’s doctor has prescribed him oxycodone 10 mg to take every 4 hours as needed to help him manage the pain. Based on the pharmacy record, this is his first time taking opioids.
  • Other: Adrian lives in a dorm room with three other students.

References: 1. Antoniou T, Pritlove C, Shearer D, et al. A qualitative study of a publicly funded pharmacy-dispensed naloxone program. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2021:103146. 2. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Youth and Prescription Painkillers. Available at: 3. Government of Canada. About Opioids. Available at: 4. Government of Canada. Canadian postsecondary education alcohol and drug use survey, 2019/2020. Available at: Accessed September 2, 2021. 5. Government of Canada. Opioid overdose. Available at: 6. Mueller SR et al. Attitudes toward naloxone prescribing in clinical settings: a qualitative study of patients prescribed high dose opioids for chronic non-cancer pain. Gen Intern Med. 2016;32(3):277-283. 7. Ontario Pharmacists Association. Pharmacist clinical tool for initiating naloxone discussions. Available at: Accessed July 27, 2021. 8. Tsuyuki R et al. Canadian national consensus guidelines for naloxone prescribing by pharmacists. Canadian Pharmacists Journal. 2020;153(6):347-351.

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